Arizona State University has hit upon a new solution to help Native American men and boys overcome the host of obstacles that block the path to socioeconomic success for so many: Get outside the classroom to encourage education.
The answer comes from a recent ASU study funded by RISE for Men and Boys of ColorAn advocacy group associated with the University of Pennsylvania. that found rampant generational hardships and lack of opportunity could potentially be offset by holistic and culturally responsive mentoring in all areas of life.
The study prepared by the Center for Indian Education could encourage the creation or expansion of the types of mentoring programs that ASU has implemented for years.
"Mentorship is important because it grounds both mentor and mentee, and makes them matter to one another," said Bryan McKinley Jones BrayboyBrayboy is also Borderlands Professor of Indigenous Education and Justice in the School of Social Transformation, associate director of the School of Social Transformation and affiliate faculty with the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, American Indian Studies and the Department of English., director of the Center for Indian Education and co-lead on the study. "This ties the present to the future. Part of our work is not to lament the past but to think about what's possible."
ASU development programs aimed at Native communities include the SPIRIT orientation program, which helps Native students adjust to college life; INSPIRE, a youth camp at ASU’s Polytechnic campus; and RECHARGE, a college-readiness conference. Aside from teaching classroom skills, the programs highlight overall health and well-being and help students connect with people who support them on the path to success.
Through these efforts, ASU has a growing American Indian student body. About 2,600 Native students attend ASU, which in May saw its largest graduating class of about 360 — a number that is expected to grow.
The study found confirmed often-grim statistics that show overrepresentation in school arrests and referrals to law enforcement along with a dramatic underrepresentation in higher education. Indigenous communities also face the highest unemployment rates across the nation — as high as 90 percent on some reservations — as well as elevated rates of poverty.
But rather than stop there, the study actively sought solutions.
“Rather than ask why they aren’t successful in school, the question needs to be, ‘How can schools be more successful and beneficial to our Native boys and men?’” said Jessica Solyom, an assistant research professor in the School of Social Transformation and co-lead on the study.
The study’s conclusion calls on academic institutions and researchers to be more conscious that Native American men and boys are in turmoil and to engage in capacity-building work. Specifically, schools and researchers should seek to understand Native communities, acknowledge specific traumas, instill a greater sense of self-confidence and engage early and often. It also asks for authors, journal editors, conference reviewers and presses to be “mindful and intentional” in seeking, cultivating and encouraging submissions on ways to assist young American Indian males.
"This is my dad, and his name is Zaid. He has a big heart for who I am, and as a kid he would always engage me into very deep political and philosophical conversations and it kind of rooted my passions in doing the type of work that I want to be doing."
— graduate student in political science and justice studies Sarah Abuwandi on her father, Zaid Abuwandi
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"I feel like my mentors are interwoven through my life — it's kind of a metaphor for my journey, my educational scholarship research journey. The mentors are family members, grandmothers and grandfathers, multigenerational people in my life and my little children also." — postdoctoral scholar Amanda Tachine on her many mentors
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"I have so many mentors, but she has consistently given me opportunities to be able to question [things], which is the big part about research, and she tries to see how I can make a difference as an undergrad right now." — senior community health major Amber Jay Poleviyuma (right) on her mentor and postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Indian Education, Jessica Solyom
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
My mentor is my uncle Bob Robbins. ... He really was the person who supported me when I was going through college as a first-generation college student, and he really provided me with a lot of confidence, just a lot of prayer and spiritually."
— english junior Megan Tom on her uncle, Bob Robbins
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
Researchers on the study shared who their own mentors are.
"She's my mentor for a lot of reasons. She taught me how to be a man, she taught me how to engage the world with grace and dignity, even though I fall short of her example often." — ASU President's Professor Bryan Brayboy on his mother and mentor, Mary Elizabeth Jones Brayboy
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"Dr. Brayboy has been my mentor since I was a freshman in undergrad. ... We've been working for almost 12 years now and he's been my mentor, guiding me in not only how to to live life in school, but out of school as well and just figuring out how to be a good person." — JD PhD in justice studies Jeremiah Chin on his mentor, Bryan Brayboy
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"She always used to talk to me about what it was like for her to grow up in Louisiana, when there was a lot of civil rights issues. ... She's made me really want to be someone that pushed forward for justice and equality and always look at people the same but ask questions."
— sophomore in speech and hearing sciences Alexus Richmond on her great grandmother Ernestine Bodi
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"He, by and large, helped raise me when I was a kid and all of the values that he instilled in me through hard work and always having a positive mind-set are the best attributes of my family." — JD PhD in justice studies Nicholas Bustamante on his mentor, Tata Ernesto Bustamante
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"I have known her since I was 15. ... She made sure I was OK and that I knew how to navigate the institution, and when I decided medical school wasn't for me she turned me onto my passion for social justice and taught me how to engage the world of research with respect and benevolence." — postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Indian Education Jessica Solyom on her mentor, Kristi Ryujin
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"They have influenced my thinking about how I can conduct my research." — doctoral student in Education, Leadership and Policy program Colin Ben on his mentors, his authors
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"This is my dad, and his name is Zaid. He has a big heart for who I am, and as a kid he would always engage me into very deep political and philosophical conversations and it kind of rooted my passions in doing the type of work that I want to be doing."
— graduate student in political science and justice studies Sarah Abuwandi on her father, Zaid Abuwandi
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"I feel like my mentors are interwoven through my life — it's kind of a metaphor for my journey, my educational scholarship research journey. The mentors are family members, grandmothers and grandfathers, multigenerational people in my life and my little children also." — postdoctoral scholar Amanda Tachine on her many mentors
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"I have so many mentors, but she has consistently given me opportunities to be able to question [things], which is the big part about research, and she tries to see how I can make a difference as an undergrad right now." — senior community health major Amber Jay Poleviyuma (right) on her mentor and postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Indian Education, Jessica Solyom
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
My mentor is my uncle Bob Robbins. ... He really was the person who supported me when I was going through college as a first-generation college student, and he really provided me with a lot of confidence, just a lot of prayer and spiritually."
— english junior Megan Tom on her uncle, Bob Robbins
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
Researchers on the study shared who their own mentors are.
"She's my mentor for a lot of reasons. She taught me how to be a man, she taught me how to engage the world with grace and dignity, even though I fall short of her example often." — ASU President's Professor Bryan Brayboy on his mother and mentor, Mary Elizabeth Jones Brayboy
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"Dr. Brayboy has been my mentor since I was a freshman in undergrad. ... We've been working for almost 12 years now and he's been my mentor, guiding me in not only how to to live life in school, but out of school as well and just figuring out how to be a good person." — JD PhD in justice studies Jeremiah Chin on his mentor, Bryan Brayboy
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"She always used to talk to me about what it was like for her to grow up in Louisiana, when there was a lot of civil rights issues. ... She's made me really want to be someone that pushed forward for justice and equality and always look at people the same but ask questions."
— sophomore in speech and hearing sciences Alexus Richmond on her great grandmother Ernestine Bodi
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
"He, by and large, helped raise me when I was a kid and all of the values that he instilled in me through hard work and always having a positive mind-set are the best attributes of my family." — JD PhD in justice studies Nicholas Bustamante on his mentor, Tata Ernesto Bustamante
Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
The conclusion also says community groups should develop mentoring and culturally specific development programs that engage family and mentors, strengthen students’ motivation to go to college, and build self-esteem.
Brayboy said the findings will be used by policy organizations and foundations to help guide them in their philanthropic goals.
“We’re not defining the field, but we’ve definitely outlined it,” Brayboy said. “We’re setting the table for creating better opportunities for Native peoples in the future.”
Top photo: From left: JD PhD in justice studies Nicholas Bustamante, doctoral student Colin Ben and JD PhD in justice studies Jeremiah Chin assign tasks for the group during a weekly meeting at the Center for Indian Education on Feb. 1. Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU Now
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