Enroll now in ASU Piano Prep Program

Digital piano lab group lesson in the ASU Piano Preparatory/Conservatory Program.
Photo courtesy of Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
The ASU Piano Preparatory/Conservatory Program
The highly successful ASU Piano Prep/Conservatory Program at the Herberger College School of Music celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2008 and invites new students to enroll. Interviews are held for beginners with no previous piano instruction who will reach the age 7 by Sept. 1 and for students with prior piano study, ages 7–17.
The ASU Piano Prep/Conservatory Program is known throughout the valley for its creative approach to piano study and offers quality music instruction to elementary through high school children in a creative and motivating learning environment. Since its inception in 1988, the program has provided students with opportunities for excellent music instruction from experienced model teachers and ASU performance-pedagogy graduate students. Students enjoy a well-planned and varied curriculum emphasizing the development of musicianship skills through piano study, performance and participation in the highly successful National Music Certificate Program, a division of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto.
Founding director and Professor of Music Janice Meyer Thompson cites the combination of group and individual lessons as one of the keys to the program’s success. Thompson coordinates the program, linking teachers and preparatory students with university piano pedagogy courses and observers in a laboratory-school setting. School of Music piano studios, digital piano labs and recital halls provide the finest facilities for instruction and performance.
ASU Herberger College School of Music, room W255, 40 E. Gammage Parkway, Tempe, AZ
Aug. 20–21, 2–6 p.m.
Piano Preparatory: $1,304 per academic year; Piano Conservatory: $1,655 per academic year.
Public Contact
Advance appointments are requested. Call the Piano Prep office at 480.965.1702 or Janice Meyer Thompson, 480.965.3823. Visit the Piano Prep Web site: http://music.asu.edu/community/piano.php
The School of Music in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University is ranked 19th in the country and eighth among public institutions by U.S.News & World Report. More than 100 music faculty artists and scholars work with approximately 800 music majors each year in research, performance and scholarly activities. It presents approximately 700 concerts and recitals each year. To learn more about the School of Music, visit music.asu.edu.
Media Contact:
Janice Meyer Thompson
Professor of Music, Director, ASU Piano Preparatory/ Conservatory Program