Inaugural study abroad program in Peru a hit with nursing and health students

A group of ASU students pose at Machu Picchu in Peru. The students are grouped together with the famous mountain range in the background

ASU students visit Machu Picchu as part of their month-long study abroad experience in Peru.


Over the summer Arizona State University's from a variety of majors participated in the College of Nursing and Health Innovation's inaugural study abroad program in Peru.

In total, 14 students ranging from sophomores to seniors made the trip. During the program, students participated in discussions about transcultural health and ethical giving and experienced first-hand health care beyond their own community.

The first half of the trip was spent in Lima, Peru, where students began their coursework. The group interviewed local Peruvians, visited ruins, museums and markets, and explored the city of almost 10 million. During those two weeks, students lived in residences with a house mother and housemates from all over the world.

For the second half of the program, the students traveled to Cusco where they were introduced to the culture and sights. During their time in this region, they explored the ruins, hiked to the Sun Gate and the Inca Bridge (high viewpoints of the ruins and of the Andes), and enjoyed the magical feeling of being nestled in the Andes.

As part of their program, they were assigned to different service-learning sites in Cusco. The sites included clinics, hospitals, community centers and orphanages.

This program helped expose the group to Peruvian culture, health care in settings outside the U.S., ethical considerations and what it means to be a responsible volunteer. 

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