Legendary Qatsi Trilogy films featured at ASU’s Marston Exploration Theater

Qatsi Film Trilogy

Qatsi Film Trilogy


The Marston Exploration Theater, at Arizona State University's School of Earth and Space Exploration, will be featuring a special screening of Godfrey Reggio’s galvanizing trio of films, the Qatsi Trilogy, on Feb. 12, 19 and 26.

From 1983’s "Koyaanisqatsi," the Hopi word for “life out of balance” to 1988’s "Powaqqatsi" (“life in transformation”) to 2002’s "Naqoyqatsi" (“life as war”), Reggio’s trilogy of films surveys the rapidly changing environments on Earth with astonishing cinematography and cascading scores by Philip Glass. 

The films spotlight untouched nature and our increasing reliance on technology, how cultures around the world are being eroded as their environment is taken over by industry, and the transition away from a natural environment to one completely reliant on technology. 

“These are immersive sensory experiences that meditate on the havoc humankind’s fascination with technology has wreaked on our world,” says Ryan Casey, event co-producer.   

As a part of the Walton Sustainability Solutions Festival, the School of Earth and Space Exploration, Project Humanities and the Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiative have partnered to present this special screening.

Each screening will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Marston Exploration Theater and will be followed by a panel discussion with experts in the humanities, arts, and natural sciences fields. The screenings are free and open to the public.

Part I, "Koyaanisqatsi," will be on Friday, Feb. 12; Part II, "Powaqqatsi," on Friday, Feb. 19; and Part III, "Naqoyqatsi" will be held on Feb. 26. 

The Marston Exploration Theater is in the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building 4 (ISTB4) on ASU's Tempe campus.

To RSVP for any one of the three shows, visit:

Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of balance

Pawaqqatsi: Life in transformation

Naqoyqatsi: Life as War

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