Year One: Life at ASU — Sabrina volunteers

Woman holding a box

"Year One: Life at ASU" is a periodic photo series following five freshmen navigating their first year at ASU. This installment checks in on Arizona State University women's basketball guard Sabrina Haines as she helps unload cups to hand out water to runners during Race for the Cure in downtown Phoenix early Saturday morning on Oct. 11. 

Haines says her freshmen fall semester is going well and she's excited now that practice has started and the team has played it's first scrimmage: "We had our maroon and gold game ... a little scrimmage that we did and I'm excited for our first game against Kentucky."

She also feels confident about her school/life balance: "I think when I came during the summer it helped a lot with scheduling and we have great people around us who help us manage our day and learn how to organize so it's been really fun."

See what Sabrina was up to earlier in the semester in these past galleries:

Year One: Life at ASU — Sabrina's study time

Year one: Life at ASU — moving into the dorms

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