"Year One: Life at ASU" is a periodic photo series following five freshmen navigating their first year at ASU. This installment checks in on Shuo Zhang as the student from China stays fit physically and mentally.
See what Shuo was up to earlier in the semester in these past galleries:
More Science and technology
Largest genetic chimpanzee study unveils how they’ve adapted to multiple habitats and disease
Chimpanzees are humans' closest living relatives, sharing about 98% of our DNA. Because of this, scientists can learn more about human evolution by studying how chimpanzees adapt to different…
Beyond the 'Dragon Arc': Unveiling a treasure trove of hidden stars
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has set a new milestone: capturing images of over 40 individual stars in a galaxy so distant that its light has traveled since the universe was only half its…
ASU selected as home and partner for CHIPS and Science Act-funded national facility for semiconductor advanced packaging
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