Thought Huddle is a podcast highlighting thinkers and doers who are devoted to creating meaningful impact. It explores ideas, tells stories, and helps make sense of our complicated and beautiful world.   

Episode 9

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Time for caring: At home — and on the frontlines

In this time of coronavirus crisis, how do we best care for others and ourselves? And how do nurses in particular manage amid this pandemic?

Episode 8

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The Black Death: Pondering a past plague during today’s pandemic

Editor's note: This is the first program in a series addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Episode 7

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Aliens: A world beyond

The notion of aliens from other planets often conjures images of flying saucers and little green men. But could they really exist?

Episode 6

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Future visions, past reflections

How do we think about the future in precarious, uncertain times?

Episode 5

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All about dogs

Dog owners are wild about their dogs. It's hard to overstate the power and poignancy of this human-canine bond.

Episode 4

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Alzheimer’s disease: Holding on to humanity

The journey of Alzheimer’s disease is unpredictable, baffling, a loss for the sufferer and painful for the family — yet can offer unexpected gifts.

Episode 3

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Hot and habitable: Creating sustainable cities

In this episode, host Mary-Charlotte Domandi speaks with three sustainability experts who explore the challenges Phoenix and other “extreme” cities

Episode 2

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Yes, we monitor what goes down the drain

Rolf Halden studies the impact of dangerous chemicals on human health.

Episode 1

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Alexander Hamilton: A Maker of America

This is the story of Alexander Hamilton: the man, the nation builder, the dueler and the now-legendary musical.