West campus seeks 'Excellence in Diversity' nominations

The Campus Environment Team (CET) at ASU’s West campus is seeking nominations for its 2010 “Excellence in Diversity” awards.

The awards, created in 1996, recognize members of the West campus community who have demonstrated a continuous commitment to cultural diversity. Academic professionals, classified staff, faculty, service professionals, administrators and students at the West campus are eligible for nomination.

“These awards and recognition are an important way we can honor those who put a priority on cultural diversity on our campus,” said Sharon Smith, CET chair and director of the TRiO Academic Achievement Center at the West campus. 

“Diversity is in our fabric; bringing multiple perspectives, different voices, to the table brings out the best in us. The people we honor with these awards are those who are living and promoting cultural diversity daily.”

Awards are presented in individual and group categories. In the individual category, three awards are presented: academic professional/faculty; classified staff/service professional/administrator; and student. In the group category, a group consisting of two or more persons from any of the individual categories is honored.

Nominees must meet the following criteria:
• Demonstrates a continuous commitment to cultural diversity.
• Sponsors and/or participates in culturally diverse activities.
• Promotes cultural diversity in all aspects of campus life.
• Models respectful treatment of all individuals.

Nominations may come from any member of ASU’s West campus community. CET requests that nominators obtain the nominee’s consent in advance.

To be eligible, nominations must include the ways in which the nominee has met the four criteria. Nominators may submit more than one nominee, however separate nominations must be submitted for each individual or group. Current CET members are not eligible for nomination.

Nominations must include the nominator’s and nominee’s name, email address, department, mail code and phone number. The nomination must also include the category of the nominee and a written statement explaining how the nominee has met the four criteria.

Deadline for submitting nominations is April 5. Award winners will be recognized at the Faculty/Staff Appreciation Breakfast on April 26.

For more information, contact Sharon Smith at 602-543-8116 or via email at Sharon.Smith@asu.edu. To submit a nomination, email Kathy Gunn at Kathleen.Gunn@asu.edu or via interoffice mail at mail code 1251.