Weinstein addresses funeral protests during lecture at ASU Faculty Cross Talk

James Weinstein, the Amelia Lewis Professor of Constitutional Law at the College of Law, participated in a Faculty Cross Talk, Sept. 27, in the Memorial Union, room 228.
Weinstein discussed, “Protecting the Speech that We Hate: The U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Picketing Military Funerals.” He was joined by Joseph Russomanno, an associate professor in the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Faculty Cross Talks is a series of peer talks across disciplines intended to encourage cross-disciplinary work, cross-disciplinary appreciation and collegiality among faculty. The talks are presented by the Office of Institutional Inclusion, a unit of the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost at ASU.
Weinstein’s areas of academic interest are Constitutional Law, especially Free Speech, as well as Jurisprudence, Federal Courts, Civil Procedure and Legal History. He is co-editor of Extreme Speech and Democracy, and has written numerous articles in law review symposia on a variety of free speech topics, including: obscenity doctrine, institutional review boards, commercial speech, database protection, campaign finance reform, the relationship between free speech and other constitutional rights, hate crimes, and campus speech codes. Weinstein also has written several articles on the history of personal jurisdiction and its implication for modern doctrine.
Megan Stewart, mlstewa3@asu.edu
Office of Communications, College of Law