Walk-Only Zones make your campus trips safer

Pedestrian safety and reducing vehicle congestion are the driving forces behind the creation of Walk-Only Zones on heavily travelled ASU Tempe campus malls.

This summer, Walk-Only Zones education ramps up. Walk-Only Zones graphics and notices began rotation on My ASU banners and ASURITE sign in portals this week. ASU Parking and Transit Services also sent a letter and a Walk-Only Zones informational flier to vendors who do business with ASU and need occasional mall access.

Morgan Olsen, ASU executive vice president, treasurer and CFO, kicked off Walk-Only Zones messaging to the ASU community during May in his presentations at the ASU Staff Council’s four Town Hall meetings.

Additional communications will continue into the fall 2013 semester, when Walk-Only Zones enforcement commences. During enforcement times, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday, no one may ride, drive or park wheeled vehicles in Walk-Only Zones.

Visit the Walk-Only Zones project website: walk.asu.edu for additional information:

  • Phase One diagram
  • List of wheeled vehicles
  • Updated Tempe campus cart and vehicle access maps
  • Walk-Only Zones instructional video featuring ASU Student Body President Jordan Davis
  • Feedback form for public inquiries about Walk-Only Zones

The site also has renderings of campus improvements designed to ease access across the Tempe campus. Bicycle valet areas; new bicycle rack types and locations; locked skateboard racks; and overnight and daytime golf cart charging and parking areas are planned for installation beginning this summer.