Visualization service boosts ASU researchers

The Decision Theater, the University Technology Office, the Partnership for Research in Spatial Modeling (PRISM) and the Fulton High Performance Computing Initiative have announced the new Scientific and Engineering Research Visualization (SERV) service.

Through this service, ASU faculty will have three-dimensional visualizations of their research data constructed by the staff at the Decision Theater and PRISM.

Visualizations can be an invaluable tool for making research progress. They also can aid in making proposals clearer and more compelling, and can make researchers' work more accessible to the public.

This service will be provided to help faculty enhance their research programs, and to help promote ASU research to the broader community.

Faculty members can write a short proposal (maximum length of three pages) detailing the data to be visualized, and the potential benefits a new visualization would have to their research and to ASU. Staff members from the Decision Theater will meet with the selected research teams to determine requirements, and to produce a visualization for the desktop and the three-dimensional environment of the Decision Theater.

Six to 10 projects will be selected, and the maximum award amount is $25,000. The award will be in the form of programming time from the Decision Theater and PRISM.

Proposals must be submitted by midnight on Dec. 16. Proposals should be submitted via e-mail in PDF, text or Word format to ( For more information, visit the Web site (, or send an e-mail to Perry Miller ( or Dan Stanzione (