Vandermeer elected Academic Senate president

The election is over, and the results are in: Philip Vandermeer, an associate professor of history in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has been named president-elect of the ASU Academic Senate for 2007-2008.

Judy Grace, interim director of the Center for Learning and Teaching Excellence, was elected secretary.

New committee members are as follows:

• Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, 2007-2010 (two members for three years): Susan Mattson, professor of health care and innovation, College of Nursing and Health Care Innovation; Rosemary Renaut, professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

• Academic Professional Grievance Committee, 2007-2010 (one member for three years and one alternate for one year): Member – Gary Hembree, senior research scientist, Department of Physics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; alternate – Christine Kyselka, associate administrative professional, School of Extended Education, University College.

• Academic Professional Status Committee, 2007-2010 (one member for three years and one alternate for one year): Member – Maggie Mangini, executive director, Workforce Education and Development Office; University College; alternate – Charles Kazilek, senior research professional, School of Life Sciences Administration and Faculty, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

• Governance Grievance Committee, 2007-2010 (three members for three years): Steve Goldinger, professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Elizabeth Horan, professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Horst Thieme, professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.