Tsosie quoted on adding Indian law to bar exam

<p><a href="http://www.law.asu.edu/Apps/Faculty/Faculty.aspx?individual_id=127&quot; target="_blank">Rebecca Tsosie</a>, executive director of the Indian Legal Program, was quoted in a recent Associated Press article, &quot;In Arizona, push for Indian law on state bar exam.&quot;<br /><br />In the article, published on Sept. 27, reporter Felicia Fonseca, writes that there is a push to add American Indian law to the Arizona bar exam, in part because more than a quarter of the state's land is controlled by the 22 tribes that reside within Arizona's borders.<br /><br />&quot;You need to know the rules that apply in case some incident arises on that 25 percent of the land,&quot; Tsosie said. &quot;That's just what a competent lawyer should know.&quot;<br /><br />Read the entire article <a href="http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/local/flagstaff/indian_law_bar_exa…; target="_blank">here</a>.</p><separator></separator><p><span style="font-family: Tahoma; color: black; font-size: 9pt" lang="EN">Judy Nichols, <a href="mailto:Judith.Nichols@asu.edu"><font color="#0000ff">Judith.Nichols@asu.edu</font></a><br />(480) 727-7895<br />Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law</span><br /></p>