Sun Devil football viewing parties

Column by Nick Prete, ASU News
ASU viewing parties are back again so put on your spirit caps and come cheer on the Sun Devils, while clad in your gold attire.
Creating a tradition of Sun Devil spirit isn’t just about showing up at football games. While that is part of it, Sun Devil spirit doesn’t take a weekend off when the team heads to Missouri.
Granted, most of us are poor college students and are therefore forgiven for not going to see the game in person. But! You don’t get off that easy for not going to the viewing parties.
There will be rooms filled with Sun Devil fans, cheering on our glorious football team as they take down these tigers with a few tranquilizers. You know that every sporting event is made better when you’re watching it with other loyal fans cheering along when your team is victorious. In this case, that’s the Devils.
Plus, you can win free stuff and what can be better than that?! Oh wait, I know what’s better. Free food! Because that will be there too, which means you have no reason to stay home. Depending on which campus you watch the game on, you could win: piggy banks, shirts, fold out chairs, and much more!
Be a good Sun Devil fan. Come to the viewing parties. Enjoy yourself some free food and possibly win a thing or two. Who knows, you could even make a new friend who shares the same passion for Sun Devil athletics as you do. That would be terrible wouldn’t it? Not.
All in!