Student Printmaking Association to sell wearable, collectible art

Learn a little about printmaking, and buy a hand-printed T-shirt.

Or, add to your art collection with an original lithograph, monoprint, silkscreen or intaglio print.

The ASU Printmaking Student Association will offer both of these options during a spring sale from 2-6 p.m., April 20-21, in front of the Art Building on Arizona State University’s Tempe campus.

Approximately 20 artists will be represented, including alumni who have donated prints for the sale.

Both graduate and undergraduate students will sell their prints. Prices range from $5 to $50, though most works will be in the $20-$40 price range, said David Miller, club vice president.

During sale hours, club members will be illustrating the printmaking process by printing cut linoleum blocks onto T-shirts using an etching press. Buyers will be able to choose a design from a selection of blocks carved by members of the ASU Print Club.

Buyers may bring their own apparel to be printed. Prices are estimated to be $15 for a printed shirt and a $5 printing fee for those who bring their own shirts.

“The T-shirt demonstration is aimed at emphasizing the work that goes into making a fine-art print,” said Miller.

For more information, contact Miller at