Storm drain installation could cause delays for ASU Polytechnic campus commuters

ASU Polytechnic campus commuters are advised to plan for traffic delays at the campus’s main entrance. The delays are due to the 16-month Power Road Improvement Project, which began in July 2012.
Beginning Feb. 5, storm drain installation will restrict traffic to one lane in each direction along Williams Field Road from east of Power Road to the Sagewood/Edgewater intersection (just east of the House of Refuge church). This traffic restriction is anticipated to continue through late-February 2013.
Alternate points of entry to the Polytechnic campus include traveling northbound or southbound along Sossaman Road and then turning west onto Texas Avenue to arrive at the east side of campus. To access the campus from the north, drivers also may travel eastbound or westbound on Ray Road, then southeast onto Sossaman to Avery Street.
Lane restrictions continue northbound and southbound along Power Road from Ray Road to south of Williams Field Road.
The City of Mesa is leading the multi-government agency Power Road Improvement Project that spans Power Road from south of the Loop 202 Santan Freeway to the north side of Pecos Road. Construction includes widening Power Road to three lanes in each direction with a raised median and full intersection improvements at Ray and Williams Field Roads.
Be in the know
Campus visitors and commuters are advised to regularly check The City of Mesa Traffic Restriction Alerts and Closures web page for updates. Sun Devils with Facebook and Twitter accounts also are encouraged to find and follow The City of Mesa at “mctraffic.”
ASU Parking and Transit Services (PTS) will continue to provide project updates to the ASU community as it receives them from the city. Look for more information about the Power Road Improvement Project in future editions of PTS News, as well as on ASU Transit Facebook page< and on the @ASUtransit Twitter feed.
Shereen Shaw,
ASU Parking & Transit