Stinson legal writing book published

A book by Clinical Professor Judy Stinson, Director of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law's Legal Research and Writing Program, has been published by Carolina Academic Press.

The Tao of Legal Writing is designed to help teach upper-level law students, paralegals, and practitioners "the way" of legal writing in the Taoist style, according to the publisher. Legal writing becomes easier when you work with, rather than resist, what already exists in terms of expectations, structures, and resources.

Stinson's book is an advanced legal writing book, but one that focuses as much on concepts as on mechanics. Other advanced legal writing books provide more detail than basic legal writing texts and could not be described as a "quick read" for someone wanting a refresher after several years of practice or for someone anticipating a summer clerkship during law school. However, according to the publisher, The Tao of Legal Writing is a quick read that includes concrete examples and descriptions with the goal of getting the reader to think differently about writing.

A book launching party will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 29, in the law school's Faculty Center.

To read the book's introduction, click here.

Janie Magruder,
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law