Staff sets first 'Devils' Workshop'

<p>ASU&#39;s first-ever summer staff arts extravaganza has a name: The Devils&#39; Workshop: Staff Artfest 2007.</p><separator></separator><p>The winning name was submitted by John Jarvis, editor of ASU Insight. He will receive a gift certificate from Hoodlums in the Memorial Union.</p><separator></separator><p>The Devils&#39; Workshop will take place at various venues on the Tempe campus during the month of July, and in early August. The program, to be announced, will include – so far – concerts on the Fabulous Fritts in Organ Hall, a guitar concert, a fiction reading and exhibits of photography, watercolors, jewelry and quilts.</p><separator></separator><p>Concerts and exhibits will be announced in Insight and on The Devils&#39; Workshop Web site, <a href=""></a&gt;. To participate in the festival, contact Judith Smith or Lisa Campbell in ASU Media Relations or Kellie Lowe in the Memorial Union for an application form.</p>