Spring Hymn Sing at Symphonic Carillon

The ASU Carillon Society and the Aslan Society will host a Spring Hymn Sing from noon to 1 p.m., April 9, at the Symphonic Carillon, located on the lower level of Old Main.
Accompanying the singing will be ASU Carillonneurs William Swayze and Kevin Snow, and Arizona State Credit Union Student Carillonneur Jacob Hofeling.
The Spring Hymn Sing is a new tradition, following the inaugural Fall Hymn Sing last November.
The Aslan Society is an interdenominational Christian fellowship for ASU faculty and staff.
For more information about the Spirng Hymn Sing, or the carillon, send an email to carillon@asu.edu. For more information about the Aslan Society, contact David Wright at david.wright@asu.edu.