Sparky costume voting FAQ
Who is eligible?
The vote is limited to ASU students, faculty, staff, degreed alumni, athletic season ticket holders, Alumni Association Members, Sun Devil Club members and donors.
How do I sign in to vote?
The voting process will begin on Voters will be asked to submit their name and primary e-mail address (your most frequently used or ASU directory address or is on record with the ASU Alumni Association or Sun Devil Club). A help link will be provided if you are unable to sign into the page.
What is the voting period?
The voting will run from 12:01 a.m., Monday, April 22 to 11:59 p.m., Sunday, May 5.
What am I voting on?
Since the original Sparky icon was first drawn by Disney artist Berk Anthony in 1946, the costumed version of Sparky has changed more than a dozen times. Members of the ASU community are being asked to select one of four finalists to become the latest version of the costume that will be used beginning in the fall of 2013.
Who picked the four finalists?
Over the past few weeks, the university has worked with student leaders, the Sun Devil Coalition Advocacy Board, the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, the Alumni Board and Chapter Leaders, and representatives from the Sun Devil Club Board to select four finalists for consideration.
When will the winner be announced?
The new costume for Sparky will be announced May 7 via social media. Follow ASU on Facebook and Twitter for the announcement.
Will the new costume be put into use immediately?
The new costume will be used beginning at the start of the 2013 academic and athletic year at ASU. The existing Sparky costume will be in place until that time.
Does this mean the Sparky logo will change as well?
No. We will continue to use the iconic Sparky image as a trademark and use it in facilities, on banners, in advertising, on license plates and in many other ways we have used it in the past. It will also continue to be offered on a full line of apparel and merchandise.
Why does the Sparky costume have to change at all?
The costumed version of Sparky has changed more than a dozen times since the character was first created in 1946 by Disney artist Berk Anthony. The current change is to make the overall look more contemporary and connect with a broader audience of fansupdate and enhance some of the features of the costume.