Some of the local media coverage of the Barrett move-in, Aug. 17-18

<p><b>ABC 15:</b><a href="… />Students move into new honors college campus at ASU</a></p><separator></separator><p><a href="… of freshmen invade ASU for the new school year</a></p><separator></separator><p><b>Fox 10:</b><br /><a href="… Honor Students Live in Luxury Dorm</a></p><separator></separator><p><b>12 News:</b><a href="… />Students inaugurate honors dorm rooms</a> (video)</p><separator></separator><p><b>Arizona Republic: </b><a href="… />ASU honors college opens new campus dorms</a></p><separator></separator><p><a href="">ASU students move in 2009</a> (photo gallery)</p>