Sigler article linked on Legal Theory blog

A link to an article by Professor Mary Sigler, “The Methodology of Desert,” which will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Arizona State Law Journal, has been posted on the Legal Theory Blog.

“In a series of books and articles Paul Robinson (along with various coauthors) builds a case for ‘empirical desert’ as a basis for deciding who should be punished under the criminal law, and how much,” Sigler writes in her abstract. “Robinson’s case is unconvincing in several respects.”

The article was highly recommended by Lawrence B. Solum, the John E. Cribbet Professor of Law & Professor of Philosophy at the University of Illinois, who publishes the Legal Theory Blog. To read the blog entry, click here.

Sigler’s research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of legal, moral and political philosophy. Her current research addresses the ethics of punishment, virtue politics, and the role of dignity and decency in legal liberalism. She teaches criminal law, jurisprudence, and various topics in moral and political theory.