Showcase celebrates ASU partnership with Sichuan University

<p>ASU Global hosted a series of events from Feb. 9 through 11 that showcased the university’s strategic partnership with China’s Sichuan University (SCU).</p><separator></separator><p>A delegation from Sichuan University led by Vice President Jian “Stan” Shi and some 28 participants from the Sichuan University Executive Training Program, administered by the University Design Institute, were on hand to participate in events.</p><separator></separator><p>“This was the first university-wide event to publicize the partnership, in particular among students,” says Mengying Li, China partnerships manager for ASU Global. “More important, it was a chance for ASU students to become aware opportunities to engage with and become involved in collaborative initiatives and projects with Sichuan University.”</p><separator></separator><p>Shi and ASU Vice President for Global Engagement Anthony &quot;Bud&quot; Rock signed a supplementary 3+2 program agreement between the two institutions at the opening reception. 3+2 programs enable students to complete the first three years of an undergraduate degree at their home institutions; the fourth year and a first year of post-graduate work is done at a partner institution, resulting in a bachelor’s degree from the home institution and a master’s degree from the partner.</p><separator></separator><p>A photo exhibit on Sichuan University will be on display at Noble Library through the end of spring semester.</p><separator></separator><p>The ASU-Sichuan University Showcase was the first in a series of corresponding events planned here and at Sichuan University to focus on the partnership, improve student mobility and strengthen linkages between the two institutions. The next event, an ASU Showcase at Sichuan University, is expected to take place in October of this year.</p>