Seminar to help experienced adults plan encore careers for the greater good
The ASU Alumni Association will co-sponsor a free half-day workshop on March 26 designed for adults who seek new ways to use skills they have developed across their successful careers in order to contribute their experience and wisdom to their community.
The workshop, “Encore Careers: Action for the Greater Good,” is slated for 8 a.m., Tuesday, March 26, at Carson Ballroom in Old Main on ASU’s Tempe campus. Co-hosted by the ASU Office of the President, the ASU Alumni Association, and the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits, it will explore the concept of encore careers and social entrepreneurship in the second half of life.
ASU President Michael M. Crow will kick off the event, discussing how the university serves students of all ages. Judy Mohraz, president and CEO of the Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust and board chair of, will moderate a panel on the benefits to nonprofit organizations investing in the expertise provided by experienced professionals. Patrick McWhortor, president/CEO for the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits, will lead a panel of experts in describing specific action steps that individuals can take to launch their encore career successfully.
The workshop also will include breakout sessions consisting of two 15-minute roundtable discussions that will allow participants to learn about multiple nonprofits and opportunities in the Valley of the Sun, as well as resources such as the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at ASU and
This session is offered at no cost to participants and a continental breakfast will be provided. All participants must pre-register. To RSVP for this event, visit