Saks to speak at Australian conference

Professor Michael Saks, of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, will deliver the plenary speech at an Oct. 8 meeting of The Australia and New Zealand Forensic Science Society in Melbourne, Australia.

Saks, a professor of law and psychology and Faculty Fellow in the College of Law's Center for the Study of Law, Science, & Technology, will answer the question, "What's Wrong with Forensic Science?"

"Post-mortems of DNA-exoneration cases have found forensic science errors to rival eyewitness identification as a major cause of erroneous convictions," Saks argues. "Investigative commissions in the U.S. have turned their focus from errors in particular cases, to unscientific practices in whole units within labs, to fundamental weaknesses in the foundations of various fields."

Janie Magruder,
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law