SafeZONE schedules 3

Members of the ASU community can learn more about diversity on campus by attending a SafeZONE workshop.

SafeZONE provides three ongoing workshops to the campus community:

• SafeZONE 101.

• Gender Identity 101.

• Becoming an Ally.

These workshops are intended to educate the community about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ) issues. The workshops also explain how to create a safe environment on campus, and how individuals can become official SafeZONE Allies.

By identifying themselves with placards, SafeZONE Allies have chosen to continually educate themselves and others about LGBTQ issues and local resources. These placards identify their areas as safe places to discuss LGBTQ issues.

The goal of SafeZONE is to increase awareness and understanding of issues faced by LGBTQ individuals. SafeZONE prepares members of the ASU community to serve as a resource on LGBTQ issues while educating the community about the program.

For more information about SafeZONE or to sign up for a workshop, visit the Web site (

The fall semester SafeZONE workshop dates and locations are:

• Sept. 28, Memorial Union (MU) room 219.

• Oct. 2, MU room 203.

• Oct. 25, MU room 219.

• Nov. 1, MU room 209.

• Nov. 14, MU room 203.

• Dec. 6 (Reading Day), MU room 203.