From robots to video games, rockets to flight simulators: CTI Academy has it all

This summer’s CTI Academy will have teens engaged with their senses and learning in motion. Middle and high school students can build, explore and discover in morning, afternoon and full-day camps offered by the College of Technology and Innovation at ASU’s Polytechnic campus. Campers will gain hands-on experience working on team-based projects in areas like gaming, aviation, mobile apps and renewable energy.

Camps are offered in June and July. Prices range from $150 to $600, and will be led by ASU faculty members.

Camp offerings include:
• 3-2-1 Lift Off – rockets (for campers entering grades 6-12)
• STEAM Labs @ ASU: Engineering Design Camp (for campers entering grades 6-8 and 9-12)
• Game Design Camp (for campers entering grades 6-8)
• Video Game Design (for campers entering grades 9-12)
• Poly CSI (for campers entering grades 6-12)
• Renewable Energy (for campers entering grades 6-12)
• Game Art Camp (for campers entering grades 6-8 and 9-12)
• Mobile App Creation (for campers entering grades 9-12)
• WISE Career Choices for High School Girls (for campers entering grades 10-12)
• Aviation Camp (for campers entering grades 6-9)=
• Design Thinking and Problem Solving (for campers entering grades 6-12)

This summer, CTI Academy has added summer camps for educators looking to learn more about how to bring hands-on learning opportunities into the classroom.

Educator camps:
• Bridging Science & Fun thru Biology and Math
• 5-12 Course Development using Technology
• Teaching Design Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
• LEGO Robotics: K-12 Classroom Use
• STEAM Labs @ ASU: Teaching Engineering Design with STEAM Machines

For information about each camp, pricing, dates, times or to register, visit or call (480) 727-1449. Space is limited.

The College of Technology and Innovation is also offering Camp Game, a unique experience in intensive video game creation, visualization and production. See for dates, pricing and registration information.