Researchers seek women’s help with study

<p>ASU’s Department of Exercise and Wellness needs women between the ages of 45-65 for a study looking at six physical activity questionnaires, as well as tests of walking performance that commonly are used in larger studies of women’s health.</p><separator></separator><p>This study also will examine whether physical activity is related to health issues that are unique to middle-aged women, such as menopausal symptoms.</p><separator></separator><p>The requirement for potential volunteers include:</p><separator></separator><p>• Women ages 45-65 who are able to walk at least one block without a cane, walker or wheelchair, and are free of conditions that would affect their ability to be physically active.</p><separator></separator><p>• Able to communicate in English.</p><separator></separator><p>• Able to participate for six consecutive weeks (a one-hour visit at ASU’s Polytechnic campus in Mesa each week).</p><separator></separator><p>• Able to wear two matchbook-sized movement monitors for the entire study, as well as the ability to complete questionnaires and some lab-based fitness tests.</p><separator></separator><p>The benefits to participants include:</p><separator></separator><p>• Evaluation of exercise capacity by taking a treadmill walking test.</p><separator></separator><p>• Physical activity levels from activity monitors.</p><separator></separator><p>• Body composition measures (height, weight, waist circumference and body fat percentage).</p><separator></separator><p>• Compensation of $75 for the completion of all six weeks.</p><separator></separator><p>The study is being funded by a grant from the American Sports Medicine Paffenbarger-Blair Fund for Epidemiological Research on Physical Activity.</p><separator></separator><p>For more information, or to volunteer as a participant, contact Kelley Pettee at (480) 727-1568 or <a href=""></a&gt;, or Melanie Mitros at (480) 727-1967 or <a href=""></a&gt; by March 3.</p>