Raymond Singh, BSE

Graduating as aerospace engineer at 17

When Raymond Singh was accepted to ASU at age 14, he became the youngest student to be enrolled at the university.

“The transition from high school to college was easy, because the people I got to know were in my field and we had a lot in common.” says Singh, who grew up in Scottsdale.

Now 17, Singh is graduating in May with a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering. He says that engineering has been a passion of his from early childhood, and he would often try to take things apart to see how they worked.

His final semester at ASU has put everything into perspective, and given him insight into what career he would like to go into in the future.

“This semester everything became more applied, and I am doing things that have meaning so I can learn to make an impact in the future.” Singh says.

The modest senior says he is definitely glad to be graduating, and plans to attend Virginia Tech to earn his Ph.D. Afterward, he would like to a year off and focus on learning the theory and practice of Indian classical music.

“I would like to take a year off and go to India,” Singh said. “I play the guitar, and I would like to learn the theory behind their music.”

In the future he plans to work in research labs as a corporate engineering manager. He wants to be able to make a difference, and use his talents to make an impact in the engineering world.