Psychology Department Welcomes Three New Faculty Members: Glenberg, Campana and Langley
We are very pleased to announce that in Spring 2008, Art Glenberg will be joining the ASU Psychology faculty as Professor in the Cognition, Action, and Perception program. You can see information about Art’s research interests by clicking here (his current website at Wisconsin) or here (a brief page here at ASU).
In addition, in the past year our program has been fortunate to welcome two additional faculty members, who have appointments in Psychology:
Ellen Campana (PhD, U. Rochester) is an Assistant Professor sharing time with Psychology the Arts, Media, and Engineering program. Click here for information about the joint PhD program in Cognition, Action, and Perception and the Arts, Media, and Engineering programs.
Pat Langley (PhD, Carnegie-Mellon) is a Professor sharing time between Psychology and the School of Informatics. Click here for information about Pat.