Psychology department begins search for tenure-track assistant professor position in quantitative psychology
The Department of Psychology at Arizona State University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Quantitative Psychology beginning August, 2009 at the assistant professor level, pending final budgetary approval.
The requirements for this position include: (1) a Ph.D., in Quantitative Psychology or a closely related discipline; (2) evidence of scholarly contributions in quantitative psychology; and (3) a commitment to quality teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach advanced quantitative graduate courses beyond the ANOVA, Regression, Multivariate Analysis, and Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling sequence. We welcome applicants with a focus in any area of measurement, research methods, or statistical modeling of psychological data. We have interest in individuals with expertise in the design and analysis of field research. The successful candidate will be expected to make scholarly contributions in quantitative psychology, to mentor graduate students, and to contribute to the applied statistical consultation of the quantitative group with substantive researchers across areas of psychology.
The nationally prominent Quantitative Psychology Program currently has 7 faculty and 12 active doctoral students. Ongoing collaborations exist with substantive researchers within the Department of Psychology and with quantitative faculty across campus. Arizona State University is located in the Phoenix/Scottsdale metropolitan area and offers all of the amenities of a large urban/Winter resort area.
Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae, reprints and/or preprints of publications, together with a letter describing research and teaching experience and interests, and three letters of reference. Lists of relevant coursework, evidence of quality teaching and quality statistical consultation are also required.
All materials must be sent to Stephen G. West, Chair, Quantitative Search Committee, Department of Psychology, Box 871104, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1104, e-mail: Letters of reference must be sent directly by referees to Stephen West. Be sure to include “Quantitative Search” in the subject line when sending e-mail.
Review of applicants will begin on Friday, November 14, 2008; if not filled, every two weeks thereafter until the search is closed.
Arizona State University and the Department of Psychology encourages and supports diversity among applicants and employees. Arizona State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. In line with the Arizona Board of Regents’ policy, a background check is required for employment.