Professor Dave Mackinnon wins Prevention Research Award; selected to deliver Master Teacher Lecture in Methodology

<p>The Recognition and Honors Committee with nominations from the membership of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) has selected&nbsp;Dave Mackinnon&nbsp;to receive the 2011 Nan Tobler Award for Review of the Prevention Science Literature for his outstanding contributions to advancing the field of prevention science.</p><separator></separator><p>The SPR Nan Tobler Award for Review of the Prevention Science Literature is given to an individual or a team of individuals for contributions to the summarization or articulation of the empirical evidence relevant to prevention science.</p><separator></separator><p>You will be presented your award at the Annual Awards Presentation on Thursday, June 2, 2011 from 4:45 pm to 5:30 pm at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research. The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Washington.</p>