President Crow addresses changes needed in higher ed

ASU President Michael Crow discusses "re-imagining higher education" during an "On Point" interview with Tom Ashbrook, a radio production aired on National Public Ratio stations throughout the country.

In response to the goal set by President Barack Obama for America to have the highest percentage of college grads in the world by 2020, Crow talks about how this will affect the world of higher education.

Crow says the goal is "very ambitious."

"It’s a fantastic goal. It’s a necessary goal. It’s a part of reshaping America for what the competitive profile of the world looks like in the future, but it’s a tremendous opportunity for our citizenry to continue that evolution we’ve been going through the last couple hundred years, where we’ve been providing higher and higher levels of educational access across our entire citizenry.”

“The country has grown to 305 million people, but we have an educational infrastructure above K-12 that’s built for a country about half that size. So what happened along the way in the last few decades is we under-innovated, we under-differentiated and we have been insufficiently creative.”

Click here to listen to the broadcast in its entirety.