Possible strike may affect public transit commuters

Passengers who use Valley Metro transit services should be aware that some routes may be affected by a union strike within the week.

Though a union strike has been authorized, Valley Metro services continue to run on schedule. If a strike occurs, about a third of the transit system’s buses and shuttles may be affected.

The strike would not affect METRO light rail.

Please click here for a list of services that may be affected by the strike and for current updates on union negotiations.

Valley Metro suggests the following should a strike take place:

• Visit ValleyMetro.org to find a carpool partner in the ShareTheRide section.

• Work with your employer to identify other regular bus riders with whom you can carpool or form a vanpool.

• Call Customer Service at 602.253.5000 or visit the Trip Planner at ValleyMetro.org to find an alternative route.