Piper Center offers a variety of fall writing courses

<p> Do you have an unfinished novel tucked away in a drawer? An urge to write poetry but not the nerve? A story that&rsquo;s done that you&rsquo;d like to get published?</p><separator></separator><p> Arizona State University&rsquo;s Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing has fall classes for levels of all writers and interests, ranging from fiction and poetry to nonfiction and memoir, beginning Sept. 27.</p><separator></separator><p> All classes except the online sessions will be held in Piper Writers House on the Tempe campus.</p><separator></separator><p> The classes, which are appropriate for writers of all experience levels, include:</p><separator></separator><p> <br /> <strong>8-WEEK SESSIONS (Sept. 27-Nov. 15)</strong><br /> Cost: $400 ($360 for Piper Friends).</p><separator></separator><p> POETRY: &ldquo;Eight Poems in Eight Weeks&rdquo; with Leah Soderberg, Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.</p><separator></separator><p> FICTION: &ldquo;Driving Stories To Their Best Destinations&rdquo; with Patrick Michael Finn, Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.</p><separator></separator><p> FICTION/NONFICTION: &ldquo;What a Character!&rdquo; with Elizabeth Weld, 6:30-8:30 p.m.</p><separator></separator><p> <br /> <strong>ONLINE SESSIONS (week of Oct. 25-week of Nov. 15)</strong><br /> Cost: $200 ($180 for Piper Friends).</p><separator></separator><p> POETRY: &ldquo;Coloring [Inside] the Lines: The Practice of Poetry&rdquo; with Elizabyth A. Hiscox.</p><separator></separator><p> FICTION: &ldquo;Writing the World a Better Place&rdquo; with Shannon Cain.</p><separator></separator><p> FICTION/NONFICTION: &ldquo;Press Start/Restart: Getting on Track [Again] With Your Writing Project&rdquo; with Vyvyane Loh.</p><separator></separator><p> NONFICTION: &ldquo;Writing For Real&rdquo; with Jana Bommersbach.</p><separator></separator><p> MEMOIR/NONFICTION: &ldquo;Writing the Memoir&rdquo; with Matthew Gavin Frank.</p><separator></separator><p> <br /> <strong>ONE-DAY CLASSES (Sat., Oct. 23)</strong><br /> Cost: $100 ($90 for Piper Friends).</p><separator></separator><p> POETRY: &ldquo;The Conjugation of Breath&rdquo; with Jessica Burnquist, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (lunch included).</p><separator></separator><p> FICTION: &ldquo;Enrich Your Writing Through Mining Your Past&rdquo; with Mary-Rose Hayes, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (lunch included).</p><separator></separator><p> ALL GENRES: &ldquo;How to Get Published in Literary Magazines&rdquo; with Shannon Cain, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (lunch included).</p><separator></separator><p> ALL GENRES: &ldquo;Living in a Material World&rdquo; with Andrea Avery Decker, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (lunch included).</p><separator></separator><p> <br /> <strong>ONE-DAY CLASSES (Sat. Nov. 13)</strong><br /> Cost: $100 ($90 for Piper Friends).</p><separator></separator><p> FICTION: &ldquo;The Truest Eye&rdquo; with Bill Konigsberg, 10 a.m.-3 p.m, (lunch included).</p><separator></separator><p> NONFNFICTION: &ldquo;Making Your Story Sing: How to Write a Great Magazine Piece&rdquo; with Jana Bommersbach, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (lunch included).</p><separator></separator><p> YOUNG ADULT: &ldquo;Through the Looking Glass: Writing Fantasy Fiction for the Young Adult Market&rdquo; with Lucy Hawking, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (lunch included).</p><separator></separator><p> Hawking has written two novels. And she co-wrote, with her father, Professor Stephen Hawking, the first two books of a trilogy aimed at bringing science to a young global audience. Hawking will be the ASU Origins Project Writer in Residence during the 2010-2011 academic year.</p><separator></separator><p> <br /> For more information, including biographies of the instructors, go to <a href="http://www.asu.edu/piper/workshops">http://www.asu.edu/piper/workshops<…;