Piano prep program enrollment times set

The Piano Preparatory/Conservatory Program at ASU's Herberger College of the Arts, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2007-2008, is inviting new students to enroll in the program. Interviews are held for beginners with no previous piano instruction who will reach the age of 7 by Sept. 1, and for students ages 7-17 with prior piano study.

The program is known throughout the Valley for its creative approach to piano study for children. Its director, Janice Thompson, cites the combination of group and individual lessons as one of the keys to the program's success. The program offers instruction in a more intense environment than the piano instruction available through Herberger College for Kids and Herberger College at Large.

Registation for the program will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., April 14 and 28, at the ASU Herberger College School of Music room W255, located at 40 E. Gammage Parkway on the Tempe campus.

The cost of the preparatory program is $1,265 per academic year, while the conservatory program costs $1,655 per academic year.

Appointments are requested. For more details, call Thompson at (480) 965-3823 or the Piano Prep Office at (480) 965-1702, or visit the Web site http://music.asu.edu/community/pianoprep.htm.