Origins Science Stories weekend adds 2 more events

The Origins Project has added two more events for this weekend’s Origins Stories festivities. One event will include virtual participation and the second is a free lecture.
The Origins Project at Arizona State University this weekend is hosting a celebration of creativity, science and the stories of science featuring the world’s foremost scientists and artists, March 29 and 30. The series of exciting events making up the Origins Stories weekend include a live broadcast of NPR’s Science Friday; a panel discussion and test screening of a new feature movie documentary; and a panel discussion on the stories of science and the science of storytelling.
The two new events are:
• Join controversial evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and Origins Project director Lawrence Krauss in an interactive video chat as they answer your questions about their new documentary film, “The Unbelievers,” set for 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., March 28.
The interactive discussion will be streamed live online by ONcam, and persons interested in the event are encouraged to join the conversation via their webcams at Those who wish to take part in the open forum can create an account at and then submit their questions via webcam or text chat, or can simply watch the discussion live on their computer. Please be logged in and ready to chat by 4:15 p.m. You can also submit questions prior to the event on
• Award-winning author Ian McEwan will give a public reading at 7:30 p.m., April 2, in Business Administration C-wing, room 216, Tempe campus. This Origins weekend culminating event will feature McEwan reading selections from his critically acclaimed novels. There will be a book signing immediately following the event. McEwan has been short listed numerous times for the Man Booker Award, winning it for "Amsterdam" in 1998. His novel "Atonement" received the WH Smith Literary Award, National Book Critics' Circle Fiction Award, Los Angeles Times Prize for Fiction, and the Santiago Prize for the European Novel. McEwan is the Origins Project Distinguished Visiting Professor and is in residence March and April 2013.
For more information on Origins Stories weekend, go to, or call 480-965-0053.