Opera knowledge boosts engineering students

A team of Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering students are going into the final round of ASU's Academic Bowl competition after surging to a win by correctly answering two questions about . . . opera!

In opening rounds, the Engineering Gold team bested teams from ASU's College of Public Programs and College of Nursing.

The final rounds are Thursday.

The Gold team includes students Alan Hogan, Cody Anderson, Eric Lehnhardt, Lauren Allee
and Shawn Haupt.

They will face the W.P. Carey School of Business team at the start of the final rounds, at 7 p.m in Stauffer B, Studio A.

The Engineering Maroon Academic Bowl team will begin their competition tonight (Oct. 14)  against the College of LIberal Arts Maroon Team at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Pima room.

For the full story, see http://asunews.asu.edu/20091013_academicbowl.

For the competition schedule, see http://www.asu.edu/academicbowl/matchups.html.