Open house highlights research support

Faculty members and graduate students are invited to learn more about Geocoding, focus groups and Web collaboration tools at demonstration sessions conducted by ASU’s Institute for Social Science Research staff from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., March 5, in Coor Hall’s room 5536 on the Tempe campus.

Examples of the fee-base research services – available to funded or grant-seeking faculty members and graduate students, and the public – will be explained.

The institute, established in 2005 in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, is staffed by experienced professionals who understand academic research goals. The institute is organized around three core research service areas, which are:

• Survey research and analysis services.

• Research technology services.

• Geographic Information System (GIS) services.

Managers from each of the service areas will demonstrate the types of research projects their teams support, including interactive Web mapping, national surveys and Web collaboration portals.

“The purpose of this event is to provide an up-close opportunity for ASU faculty members and students to see the high-tech research resources that are available to them,” says President’s Professor Jess Alberts, the institute’s associate director for research.

More information can be found by calling (480) 965-5009 or by visiting the Web site