Op-ed looks at international education divide

<p>In his May 26 op-ed in the <em>Huffington Post</em>, John Merrow, education correspondent for PBS NewsHour and author of "The Influence of Teachers," asks the question: "Is it possible that the U.S. has been heading in the wrong direction for most of the 30 years it has been focused on school reform?"</p><separator></separator><p>He refers to a paper written largely by Marc Tucker of the National Center for Education and the Economy, which considers the approaches taken by five high-performing places – Toronto, Japan, Norway, Shanghai and Singapore – and contrasts them with U.S. approaches.</p><separator></separator><p>Merrow also incorporates the work of ASU's Mari Koerner as the dean of the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at ASU. He writes: "At ASU, Dean Koerner explained, she has raised standards--so much so that she has lost students who were looking for an easy way to earn a diploma. ('Good riddance,' she implied.)"</p><separator></separator><p>Access the full <em>Huffington Post</em> article: <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-merrow/the-international-educati_b_8…; target="_blank">"The international education divide"</a></p><separator></separator><p>To read Mari Koerner's op-ed that appeared in the <em>Arizona Republic</em>, click <a href="http://asunews.asu.edu/20110531_inthenews_Koerner&quot; target="_blank">here</a>.</p>