Office of Diversity gets new name, new director
The 2010 ASU Fall semester brings a new name for the university’s Office of Diversity and a new senior administrator to lead the university’s diversity initiatives.
Kevin Salcido, Associate VP/Chief Human Resources Officer, has announced the Office of Diversity will now be known as the Office of Equity and Inclusion. The new name better reflects what Salcido believes the office should be: both a welcoming place where faculty and staff can go if they feel they have been treated unfairly and an objective office that promotes inclusiveness in all aspects of campus employment.
Kamala Green joined ASU Sept. 20 as the Senior Director of the Office of Equity & Inclusion. Green, who has approximately 15 years of management experience, spent the last 11 years at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in California, where she was an active member of the Lab’s Human Resources Leadership team and most recently served as Senior Manager, Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action. LBNL, a public organization with approximately 3800 employees, students, faculty and guests, is funded by the U.S. Dept. of Energy and managed by the University of California.
“Kamala brings great experience working in a challenging, dynamic research enterprise and has a strong passion for diversity,” Salcido said. “Although the Office of Equity & Inclusion reports to OHR, Kamala will operate independently and collaboratively with all university units to resolve issues and promote a positive work environment.”
Under Green’s leadership, the Office of Equity & Inclusion will facilitate the university’s hiring, promotion, development and pay practices to ensure they are as free of bias as possible. The office also will create and deliver training on how to build inclusive, discrimination-free work environments. Green will be active in diversity outreach internal and external to the university’s community and also will serve as ASU’s ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and Title IX officer.
“Although I will truly miss LBNL,” Green says, “I am extremely excited about joining the Arizona State University team. I look forward to acclimating myself to ASU’s culture and helping the university and the Office of Equity and Inclusion fulfill their overall goals and objectives.
To schedule a consultation on diversity strategy with Ms. Green, contact her at 480.965.9695 or visit the Office of Equity & Inclusion online at