New Student Health Center Opens at Polytechnic campus

Mesa, Ariz. – For the first time in eight years, students attending Arizona State University at the Polytechnic campus now have health services provided by ASU rather than the Carl T. Hayden Veteran's Administration Medical Center Southeast Extension Clinic at the Williams Campus.

Prior to the new Student Health Center opening on Jan. 18, ASU students at the Polytechnic campus have been offered health services through a partnership with the VA clinic.

"As student enrollment continues to increase at the Polytechnic campus, we are excited about having a student health service that will address the needs of our student growth and lessens the burden placed on the VA Clinic," said Gary McGrath, dean of Student Affairs at the Polytechnic campus.

Rather than build a new facility, an existing structure on the campus was renovated and retrofitted to meet the needs of a health services center.

In addition to a wide range of services, the Student Health Center staff will collaborate with Student Counseling staff and the Nutrition and Exercise and Wellness faculty to offer programs that foster a healthy lifestyle.

"Having an ASU sponsored health center at East will be more efficient and effective for students when seeking care in the health system because it’s directly connected with the Tempe campus, and we will be able to incorporate overall wellness programs," said Bev McCoy, the new center manager and nurse practitioner who has nearly 20 years of experience in the health care industry.

In addition to McCoy, a medical assistant will be available five days a week, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. An ASU doctor will be available at the center one afternoon per week. For emergencies, students will still be required to call 911.

Students are able to take advantage of confidential health care, including primary assessment and treatment of health problems and injuries, health education and counseling, referrals to campus and community resources, blood pressure and hearing screening, physical examinations and immunizations, diagnostic tests, smoking cessation counseling, wellness and health assessment, laboratory tests/X-rays, pharmacy and enrollment eligibility.

The new Student Health Center is located at 7153 E. Thistle, at the corner of E. Thistle and South Sterling, on the Polytechnic campus. There is signage to identify the building and parking near the entrance of the building. Walk-ins are welcome.

For more information, contact Student Affairs at (480) 727-1359.