New issue launches sustainability journal into 2nd year

<p>A brand new issue of <em>The Sustainability Review</em> (TSR) has launched the online journal into its second year of publication. Edited and published by graduate students in ASU's School of Sustainability, TSR is a place where people can find and contribute to the latest ideas about sustainability. <br /><br />"This year, we want to make <em>The Sustainability Review</em> more accessible and reach a wider audience," said Robert Kutter, the journal's editor-in-chief, in the issue's opening letter. An emphasis on dialogue between academics and the public at large, Kutter said, is central to the field of sustainability. <br /><br />Aiming to elevate TSR as a forum for conversation, Kutter and his staff have allowed for new website capabilities that enable visitors to leave comments. They also have added a Features section to examine sustainability issues through a non-academic, reader-friendly context. <br /><br />"Finally, we have changed the pace of publication to promote an ongoing conversation among our readers," Kutter said. "We increased the number of issues from two per year to five and moved to a rolling publication schedule. With a rolling publication schedule, pieces from each issue are published over the course of a month to a month and a half." <br /><br />This year's inaugural issue includes an op-ed by R. F. "Rick" Shangraw, senior vice president for the Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development at ASU; a research article on a San Francisco Bay case study that probed the environmental impact of chemicals found in waterways; and a multimedia piece that offers a humorous take on how to communicate scientific research to the general public. <br /><br />The new issue of TSR can be viewed here: <a href="; target="_blank"></a>.</p>