New College offers online, in-person summer classes
History, biology, political science, philosophy and mathematics are just a few of the topics addressed by more than 100 summer classes offered by Arizona State University’s New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.
Offerings include many courses meeting ASU General Studies requirements in areas including science, humanities, literacy, numeracy, and social and behavioral sciences. Junior, senior and graduate courses in psychology, literature, math, history, religion, science, music, interdisciplinary studies, and social justice and human rights are offered as well.
Multiple summer school sessions will be offered this year, with most classes offered during two five-week sessions. Intersession courses run from May 13 to 27; the Summer One session meets from May 31 through July 1; and Summer Two meets from July 5 through Aug. 5. A seven-week session runs from May 31 to July 15 and an eight-week session is set for May 31 to July 22.
Most in-person courses offered by New College are taught on ASU’s West campus in northwest Phoenix. Many of the offerings are online courses that may be taken by students across metropolitan Phoenix and beyond.
“We take great pride in the quality and rigor of our online classes,” said Elizabeth Langland, dean of New College.
“New College online courses are not deemed ready for delivery until they have passed through a rigorous development and course-building process with checks and balances built in at every stage,” Langland said. “We utilize a system of quality control to ensure that the quality of the teaching and learning experience in online courses is at least as high as face-to-face offerings. These courses offer a convenient way for students to get ahead more quickly in their chosen fields.”
Among the online summer courses are CHM 101 "Introductory Chemistry," MUS 349 "Music in America," COM 316 "Gender and Communication," MAT 142 "College Mathematics" and ENG 400 "History of Literary Criticism" (cross-listed as MAS 598 for graduate students).
Classes offered in person on the West campus include PHI 360 "Business & Professional Ethics," PGS 101 "Introduction to Psychology," COM 225 "Public Speaking" and AMS 294 "Bodies, Bones & the CSI Effect."
New College’s summer courses are taught by full-time faculty or experienced faculty associates who are specialists in their field.
Registration is now under way. New College academic advisers may be reached at (602) 543-7000.