New College offers online, hybrid, in-person summer classes

students working in lab

Anatomy and physiology, biology behind the crime scene, communication, music, chemistry, political science, philosophy and mathematics are just a few of the topics addressed by more than 100 summer classes offered by Arizona State University’s New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.

Offerings include many courses meeting ASU General Studies requirements in areas including science, humanities, literacy, numeracy, and social and behavioral sciences. Upper division and graduate courses in psychology, literature, math, history, religion, science, music and interdisciplinary studies are offered as well.

Three convenient summer school sessions will be offered for 2014, with most classes offered during two six-week sessions. Session A meets from May 19 through June 27; Session B meets from July 2 through Aug. 12; Session C meets May 19 through July 11.

In-person courses and hybrid courses (mix of in-person and online) offered by New College are taught on ASU’s West campus in northwest Phoenix. Most of the offerings are online courses that may be taken by students across metropolitan Phoenix and beyond.

“Our summer courses provide our students with a wonderful opportunity to get ahead in their pursuit of a degree, to try something new and to reduce their course loads in future semesters. For some, summer coursework can facilitate an early graduation,” said Todd Sandrin, associate dean of New College.

New College’s summer courses are taught by full-time faculty or experienced faculty associates who are specialists in their field.

Registration is now under way. New College academic advisors may be reached at (602) 543-7000.