NBC highlights ASU School of Sustainability

<p> ASU’s School of Sustainability is continuing to garner national attention, this time featured on NBC Nightly News.<br /><br />Anne Thompson, NBC's Chief Environmental Affairs correspondent, highlighted how the nation's first-of-its-kind school is providing a highly unique approach to education, the challenges for this generation of students, and the opportunities that await graduates in the green economy.<br /><br />NBC spent two days at ASU in February. The comprehensive visit gave them an in-depth look at key facets of ASU's sustainability portfolio including:<br /><br />• Student activism (ASU's Student Sustainability Coalition)<br />• Entrepreneurship and jobs in the green economy<br />• Tipping points in population behaviors (water consumption and urban growth)<br />• Urban heat island research<br />• Campus sustainability; reducing ASU’s carbon footprint<br /><br />The producers interviewed undergraduate students, School of Sustainability students, professors, administrators, and ASU President Dr. Michael Crow.</p><separator></separator><p>Watch the <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/23782981#23782981">video</a&gt;. </p>