Memorial Union project affects vehicles, university carts

The Memorial Union Dock Expansion Project will affect University cart and personal vehicle access on the east side of the MU from Dec. 18-Jan. 11. The Memorial Union Dock will be closed to all vehicles (except MU Dock Expansion Project construction vehicles) during this time.

Beginning now through Jan. 11, Memorial Union/Aramark delivery trucks will be permitted to unload on Orange Street east of the MU. No other vehicles should use this route, or block the loading area.

Carts should use the alleyway behind Physical Education West to Palm Walk and will be permitted to use Palm Walk to go north and south to Orange Street. Please view University Cart Route Map.

Construction traffic will enter and exit on Normal Avenue via Apache Boulevard. Motorists should exhibit increased caution when driving in this area, which is near the southeast corner of the Apache Boulevard parking structure, and be aware that no vehicles will be permitted north of Lemon Street on Normal.

ASU Parking and Transit Services is pleased to provide this information to the campus community as it pertains to driving on campus streets and near campus parking facilities. However, any questions regarding this project or University cart routes should be directed to Pedro Chavarriaga, ASU Capital Programs Management, at 480.965.8361 or