Looking for answers in algae

<p>In 1970, the first Earth Day marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement. It wasn't until the mid-1980s that ASU scientists began a sustained effort in the search for clean fuel – a search that continues today. <br /><br />For the last 25 years, scientists at the Laboratory for Algae Research and Biotechnology at ASU's Polytechnic campus have been making fuel for cars and planes out of simple pond scum. Named one of <em>Time</em> magazine's 50 best inventions in 2008, algae oil may be the key to renewable energy production and dramatically change the way we operate within the next 10 years. <br /><br />Watch how biofuel research has progressed over the last 25 years in ASU research labs: <a href="http://asunews.asu.edu/video_20100419_algaeenergy&quot; target="_self">Algae Energy</a></p>