Loan repayment assistance available

Arizona attorneys who are employed in non-profit organizations that serve the legal needs of low-income individuals and families may receive help reducing their law-school debt.

The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education has begun taking applications for its Loan Repayment Assistance Program, which provides forgivable loans to qualifying attorneys and allows them to work in legal-aid programs for the poor. Applicants must be members of the State Bar of Arizona, earn under $65,000 and be employed by an approved non-profit legal organization (for a list and application form, go to

In addition, the Joyce Holsey Loan Repayment Assistance Program is available to law school graduates of Arizona State University and the University of Arizona who are legal-aid attorneys. Holsey was a Tucson lawyer and the first African-American woman to be admitted to the state Bar. She was committed to fighting for the underserved, despite becoming blind while attending law school.

For more information, go to

Janie Magruder,
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law