Li announced as winner of social pyschology graduate fellowship

We are very proud to announce that the winner of the 2009-10 Darwyn and Marie Linder Graduate Fellowship in Social Psychology is Ms. Jessica Li. Congrats, Jessica!

The Darwyn and Marie Linder Graduate Fellowship in Social Psychology is awarded to a continuing graduate student in the Social Psychology Program who has best demonstrated excellence in research and classroom performance in experimental social psychology, broadly defined. We have a great community of students, who are doing really wonderful work, and winning this fellowship is quite an accomplishment. Although all of the nominee’s have strong academic records and were very deserving, Jessica was selected by the committee. Here are a few quotes from the letters of nomination.

The first nominator notes:

"(Jessica) has become an impressive young scientist, and exemplifies the characteristics that Darwyn and Marie Linder had in mind when they created this fellowship.”

(Jessica) is an extremely smart, intellectually thoughtful, and creative researcher, who combines these talents with an ability to get things done.”

The second nominator commented on Jessica’s high level of productivity, “five publications in this last year alone, including a first authored empirical paper in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.  (Jessica) also has several multi-study papers now submitted or in preparation, many with her as first author.  Just today, in fact, she is submitting a paper to Science!  Besides all that, there are now four separate lines of research ready to be submitted to JPSP with (Jessica) as first author!”

This nominator describes Jessica as “an excellent researcher, a clear thinker, and likely to be one of the exemplary representatives of the program that Darwyn helped found here at ASU” and also notes the service to the program consistently provided by Jessica.